Giving on-line is convenient, simple, and secure.

You can make a one-time contribution or set-up a recurring gift. You can also give by E-Check to avoid associated fees applied to debit and credit cards. The recurring gift option should already be selected and you can simply set up your automatic gift. After you set up your recurring gift, you will be prompted to complete the setup of your new account

Viewing this page on your phone and would rather give via mobile?  No problem!  Simply text GRACESANDIEGO to 77977 and you’ll be able to quickly and conveniently give in seconds!


How And Why We Give

God teaches us about money throughout the Bible. He calls us not only to give cheerfully, but to be good stewards of what we’ve been given.

We believe that as we become good stewards of what God has given us, he blesses us to be able to give more. We encourage all of our attendees to go through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University to learn important Biblical principals in stewardship and get the tools to live debt free so we can all live and give in amazing ways. Financial Peace University (FPU) Classes are offered twice a year during our Spring and Fall connect group sessions.  For more information on our connect groups, go here!

Mail Checks TO

Grace Church San Diego
4637 Oregon Street
San Diego, CA 92116.